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As an artist, Cathy Schenkelberg has worked as a voiceover talent, performed in theater productions, and on camera in television and film.

Listen to Cathy Schenkelberg’s VO demos

My Happy Place

I never really thought of becoming famous, so much as being a working actor and making a living in the arts. Whether plays or musicals, voice overs, and commercials with a few TV and film credits I’ve been quite happy and consider myself successful.

In a 3rd-grade class project, I had to write where I saw myself as a goal for the future. I still have the paper, though faded it reads, “I want to be an actress that never gets divorced”. Knowing my parents were so happily married with the ten of us kids, it was clear I didn’t want that to happen to me. So, with that said, even though I’ve never been married, I accomplished that goal!

Learning to hustle and accept rejection is a part of the deal in the arts. In the beginning, it was a difficult part of the process. But I learned something important – no isn’t a bad word – it’s an opportunity to re-examine if you’re aligned with your goals, and that’s where real growth can take place.

It's a Wonderful Life Radio Play

I never really thought of becoming famous, so much as being a working actor and making a living in the arts. Whether plays or musicals, voice overs, and commercials with a few TV and film credits I’ve been quite happy and consider myself successful.

Chicago Fire Set
Squeeze My Cans Performance
A Christmas Story

In a 3rd-grade class project, I had to write where I saw myself as a goal for the future. I still have the paper, though faded it read, “I want to be an actress that never gets divorced”. Knowing my parents were so happily married with the ten of us kids, it was clear I didn’t want that to happen to me. So, with that said, even though I’ve never been married, I accomplished that goal!

Les Miserables
RTE Interview in Ireland
TV Interview
Interview on the Elaine Show
Interview on the Elaine Show
Honky Tonk Angels

Learning to hustle and accept rejection is a part of the deal in the arts. In the beginning, it was a difficult part of the process. But I learned something important – no isn’t a bad word – it’s an opportunity to re-examine if you’re aligned with your goals, and that’s where real growth can take place.

God of Carnage
Les Miserables